Kill me now!

Lawrence Fisher just wrote a funny book all about the world of dating. The author spends his time trying to find the ONE, his soulmate, that special someone that he will spend the rest of his life with. We have conducted a short interview with him:


Your book is about the dates of a man in his late 40's. Why did you choose the title: "Kill me now!"?

That is an excellent question. The difference between a good question and an excellent question is that with a good question you have to think of an answer and with an excellent question, you already thought of the question and have an answer on hand! The book was initially titled “World of Dating from a man’s perspective.” Not sure how many people would be enticed by that. I would not want to read it. However I was on a date with a woman who I referred to as Ms Motor Mouth in my book and I was just waiting for Scotty to beam me out of there because I was bored out of mind and the title just popped into my head. Or else Scotty beamed it into my head.

Is the book more about entertaining and fun or you try to reflect on the situation of an existing generation?

It is both. The book outlines experiences I had while dating to try and find my ONE. Boy did I have experiences. From a woman who threatened my life through one who stalked me when I went on a date through attempts at picking up a lesbian and others. Yet despite all the trials and tribulations, you continue, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

How do you see the dating opportunities of this generation?

It really is not as easy as it once was. Seriously. We are all much busier at work as we want to keep our jobs in this economic climate and political uncertainty worldwide and so many do not have the strength to go to singles places after work. Hence dating websites abound. This brings with it a whole lot of new issues such as is the profile true. Is the picture valid or taken 15 years ago? Online dating means different things when you talk to different people. From sending emails to chatting on Skype but until you meet you do not know if you are actually meeting the person you were in contact with or someone else was chatting for them. One site actually encourages parents to create profiles for their children. I have met many colorful characters from dating web sites but on the other hand, I also met my fiancé there.

The one thing that is now basically dead is the blind date. Almost everyone who is breathing has a Facebook account. If a friend wants to set you up with his sister’s bff’s sister, he will point you to her Facebook page. You like what you see or read, he will give you her contact number. Of course she can refuse the date but at least when you meet you know what one another looks like. Facebook is the number one site. If you are serious about finding a match, you leave enough public information and pictures to let people in. Of course it does not help if your profile picture is of your new Labrador puppy. I wrote a blog post about this:

How do you work as a writer? You write for long, always changing and rephrasing every chapter or you just give out quickly your stories instinctly?

I write when an idea strikes me. Anywhere! I have found myself doing much of my writing on the toilet. But please do not tell my readers that. I wish that I had an iPhone with Siri and then I could dictate my ramblings to her. But then again she would have to be able to understand my diction. Houston we have a problem.

You have a great sense of humor. Can we expect more coming books from you in the near future?

Thank you for the compliment. There will be three books in the “Kill Me Now” series. The second will be called “How I didn’t meet your mother” and the third will be “Why didn’t I listen to my friends?”

Where can readers find your works?

It is available from from this 

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