Interview with Celeste Thorson

Celeste Thorson is a professional actress and writer living on Los Angeles, California. We had the opportunity to conduct an interview with her:

Celeste Thorson

While you have been working with a lot of photographers, which kind of photographers do you like to work with the most?

I love working with creative conceptual photographers that enjoy collaborating on out of the box ideas. I also have a great time shooting fashion, because the wardrobe is so fun. Sometimes, when I want a change of pace I shoot with alternative photographers for a walk on the wild side.

What is your most memorable childhood memories?

I used to love hiking through the wilderness as a child, collecting crystals, rocks and exploring old copper mines. I would always get so excited when I found agates or crystals during my hikes, it was like stumbling on buried treasure.

Given if there is a time-machine, which period of your life would you want to return to and why?

It would be priceless to return to a time where all the of the family I've loved and lost was alive to enjoy a nice conversation with me. I'd give anything to ask them advice about their life lessons and details about family stories.

Celeste Thorson

When was the very first time when you get involved in voluntary work? Which is your favorite kind of voluntary work?

The first time I started volunteering was as a kid for organizations like ASPCA and Humane Society . Now I focus more on environmental and human rights. I enjoy mobilizing groups of passionate people to petition governing committees so we can develop solutions for important issues around the world.

Which causes do you support?

I love Save The Children, Human Rights Campaign, Doctors Without Borders, ASPCA, Humane Society, Sierra Club, Calpirg and so many more inspiring and deserving non-profits, I could go on forever!

What do you consider as your other talents other than acting and modeling?

I love to write and develop stories from creative ideas. It's always exciting to step into the shoes of a character and think about their hopes, dreams and fears. I get to live out the aspirations of characters I could never play on screen, but get to enjoy on paper.

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