Everville: The First Pillar

Roy Huff is the author of the upcoming epic fantasy novel Everville: The First Pillar. He holds five degrees in four separate fields including liberal arts, history,secondary science education, and geoscience.We have conducted a short interview with him about his new coming book:


How does your education and background help you in crafting the characters of the new book "Everville: The First Pillar"?

It helps me draw from a lot of different areas to help develop varied aspects of the story. Understanding the basic concepts in many different fields allows me to put realistic elements in the story and introduce concepts that I might not consider without my existing educational background.

What is the most challenging part about being a writer of the Fantasy genre?

Being compared to other books or authors is probably the most challenging aspect. While this is not limited to the fantasy genre, it certainly does make one consider how unique the concept and storyline is when writing it. Everything from the title to the artwork is scrutinized for originality.

How and where do you normally draw your inspirations from?

I have backgrounds in science, and I am also an avid scifi/fantasy book and movie lover. From a young age, I have been interested in these things and have always fantasized and daydreamed about living in different worlds and being able to do things in scifi/fantasy environments.


You named your book with "The First Pillar", are you expecting readers to see the next book about the 'Second Pillar'? What is exactly behind the name "Everville"?

There will be additional books in the series. I am planning on doing at least seven or eight, though I haven’t decided on the names yet. The concept for the book actually came from a short descriptive paper assignment for an English class I was taking for one of my degrees. The paper later became the basis for chapter 1. I received such positive feedback from the paper and requests from other students to read the full book and not just the first short chapter. A couple of months later I decided to do just that.

The name actually came from the idea of where the main character, Owen Sage, found himself in the beginning of the story and where Everville was. It is a place “somewhere between here and there, sometime between yesterday and another day.” The name Everville seemed to fit.

Where can we read about your book?

The book is expected to be released on Amazon as an ebook in late February or early March and in April in print form on Amazon and Barnesandnoble.com. It can be read on Kindle or Iphone and Android with the Kindle App. Currently, people can place it on their to-read lists on Shelfari http://www.shelfari.com/books/32763207/Everville-The-First-Pillar or Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17250700-the-first-pillar which will both link to the Amazon book page once it's released. They can also visit my website at http://www.owensage.com or visit me on twitter @EvervilleFans for the latest news of the release which will include a five day free promotional period on Amazon.

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