Make Passive Income Project

Nigel Casey has graduated with honours at the College of Marketing and Design in Dublin in 1992. He is living in Switzerland with his wife and four children and in 2012 he has launched the MAKE-PASSIVE-INCOME project. We have conducted a short interview with him:

Passive Income

Why are you on a quest for passive income?
I am interested in generating regular passive income because I like doing a lot of things but I spend a lot of my time working on my two businesses. I earn a great salary but I have four children and I want to spend time with them before they suddenly grow up and leave home. I don't need to make millions, I just want to support my family without having to work 60 hours a week.

When and how did you first begin to make the passive income?
I started the project "My quest to start creating multiple streams of passive income" on the 12th of September 2012 and within ten days had generated over $750 with a business that buys and sells banner ad space on the web.

It all started when I bought a blog for $25 and published my first post the same day. I got my $25 back the very next day from my first sale. 

I am glad you shared your CV as it looks really great! Have you seen or known someone who has a better looking one that you inspires?
There are a few people who really inspire me, the first is Dave Woods who founded EmpowerNetwork. He is a blog expert and he has taught me so much about making passive income with a blog in such a short time. I have also worked with Mike Koenigs and he is my hero when it comes to using video to make passive income. He helped me to start my video marketing business in Switzerland.

What is the secret behind your success in gaining the passive income?
I think the first thing is my desire to learn how to do it. I am genuinely interested and curious about how it all works, and I am determined to make it work for me.
I also believe that it is necessary to invest money in order to make passive income. I will buy information and training without hesitation because I know that I need it and that without it I will not succeed.
The third and very important secret to my success is choosing my leaders … I want to learn from real people who know what they are doing. I have a coach for each of my passive income generating projects.

While you were selling 50% of your language business, did you have any doubts? Why.
I didn't have any doubts about selling 50% of my language business at all because I felt sure that I know my business partner well enough to be able to trust him not to go back on his word. I was also totally convinced becasue he is a very valuable asset to our business. In terms of then having to split 50% of my profits with him …. well I am delighted to do it, because we are both working on the same goal and together we can do more than either of us could do individually.

Moving forward, what do you hope to achieve?
My first real goal is to make sure that the passive income streams that I set up are in fact passive and ongoing. Here are my financial goals.

I want to generate 10k per month in regular passive income within a six month period. When I achieve this I will then strive for 1k per day in regular passive income within the following three months.

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