Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft

Author Jody Gehrman is a pagan at heart. She is a native of Northern California, where real witches thrive, and she has had the pleasure of knowing a few. She is also the author of seven novels and numerous award-winning plays. Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft is her most recent Young Adult novel. We have conducted an interview with her:


'The pleasures of paranormal chocolate' is a great description of the supernatural elements in your book. If you had to choose one review that highlights readers' reactions to your books' quirky sense of humor, what would that be?

I love this review from Gabbi at Chapter by Chapter: "Audrey’s Guide to Witchcraft is a laugh out loud type novel. It was straight up hilarious even though Audrey does end up with brains in her hair." I really wanted to combine humor with romance and spooky paranormal witchieness. That's the kind of book I look for, but can't always find, especially in the Young Adult genre, which seems to be saturated with fiction that's trying very hard to be "heavy" and "serious" lately.


What makes you write about 'witchcraft' and black magic?

I'm fascinated with witchcraft. Really I'm a pagan at heart; I've always felt there's a mysterious power running through the natural world, and the idea of tapping that power appeals to me. Growing up in Northern California, I was surrounded by new age mysticism. I knew a few people who practiced witchcraft and even played around with it some myself, so it wasn't that foreign to me. I wanted to explore what I knew about real witches but also create a universe where their power could be even more awesome and effective.
As to why black magic plays an important role in my book, it's really about dramatic tension: if you have "good" witches practicing "white" magic, you've got to have "bad" witches practicing "black" magic. It makes for a much more exciting, action-packed story. I think most of us are drawn to the dark edges of magic; it's intriguing and we love to get spooked out, especially this time of year!

How has the 'creepy' character in your romantic novel been crafted?

I don't want to give too much away, but basically my villain is a necromancer who controls an army of zombies. They're not your typical rotting-flesh zombies—they're actually very beautiful and charismatic—but they are zombies nonetheless.

While you were conceptualizing the book, was it difficult to combine recipes into the stories?

Not really; in fact, it was quite fun. My main character, Audrey, is obsessed with baking. Her culinary experiments even become part of her magic. She bakes a chocolate cake at one point that leads to a rather steamy romantic encounter with the guy she's into, Julian. That recipe has been included, by the way, in a just-released free cookbook called Passionate Cooks, a collection of recipes from leading romance authors.


Which is your favorite recipe in the book?

Oh, definitely the chocolate cake recipe. Who doesn't love a recipe highlighting chocolate, whipped cream and caramel—especially if eating it will most likely lead to a steamy passionate encounter?

Where can readers connect with you online?

Follow-me Links: 

Anything else?

Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft will be FREE at Amazon Oct. 14-16, Oct. 31st (Halloween) and Nov. 1st 
(Day of the Dead).

Readers who prefer paperback can order it here.

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