Art of an Unknown Celebrity

Che Zifandel is a singer/musician. Her music is a fusion of pop, alternative, and R&B. Her new album "Art of an Unknown Celebrity" is out and for that occassion we have conducted an interview with her:


Your latest EP "Art of an Unknown Celebrity" has very cool music like Ride On, B*** (Half a Brain), did you compose these songs or are you just the singer for the songs in the album?

I’m a singer, songwriter so most of the songs were initially written and played on acoustic guitar. Of course they usually change quite a bit going from acoustic to a full band production. Ride On was the only song that I actually sat down and started making a drum beat for. Then the guitar and everything else followed.


How different do you consider your music style as compared to other Indie musicians?

I’d say it’s very different because people have a had a hard time identifying it with any particular genre. Music is a hodge podge nowadays. But I’ve been influenced by so many different styles that I just can’t see myself forcing my music into a box.

What other songs other than 'Ride On' have you done in acoustic?

All the songs on the album have acoustic versions. I have lots and lots of songs written on acoustic guitar. I have so much material and I’m now picking songs for my full album which I will begin recording in October.


How do you describe a week in your life making your kind of music?

I’m doing everything myself now. So my week is composing, writing, voice lessons, talking to promoters, rehearsing, auditioning band members, and such. There’s a lot of stuff like mailing cds and doing online submissions and then actually getting out to promote. I stay busy but still make time to hang with my friends.

Could you tell us a little more about your take on Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’ "I put a spell on you"?

I always loved this song; the original version. I like the craziness and the straight-up “I don’t care, I’m going to scream and holler, and you will be mine” feel. I wanted to give it a real dark relationship feel. I wanted it to start out kind of sensual and pleasurable and then turn into this disastrous stalker type thing. I guess you can say it’s the musical version of Fatal Attraction.

Do you have any shows coming up in the near future?

I just recently had a show at the House of Blues Parish Room. I’ll be playing the Viper Room in Los Angeles in November and am lining up some other gigs as well. I always have that information on my website at


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