Interview with Mark Clayson

Mark Clayson is an author, speaker and business owner from the UK. He has written over 2000 articles that have been published throughout the world on the internet, in trade publications and in local newspapers. He also authored 25 books and is currently awaiting proofing of his latest on - "Be a Person that Makes a Difference". We have conducted an interview with him.

1. Could you give us a little background about yourself and what you do in UK?
My background is in medicine. In fact I qualified as a doctor and worked in health and wellness for 25 years before branching out. I still work as a physician but also spend much of my time writing, speaking, developing products and coaching others to succeed. It's fun to diversify. I expect to be full time in speaking and writing in the very near future.

2. What happens to the articles you have written?
It's interesting to see how a person's writing can develop. I initially wrote for specialist trade publications and quickly found how easy and profitable it was. Since then I have written for online blogs and article directories, for journals and magazines, generalist publications, my own websites and published my work in book form. Writing and speaking are both skills that can be learned and developed by anyone.

3. What kinds of books do you write, which genre and why are you into this area(s)?
Much of my work is to help individual and business development and growth. I have skills in assessment, feedback and personal development thus I have written for that genre. I also have a social media interest and have published a book in that niche. Currently I have my latest book - "Be a Person that Makes a Difference" at the printers.

4. What do you think are the misconceptions that people have about public speaking? What is your advice to cope with them based on your personal experience?
People fear public speaking for a number of irrational reasons. I know how it must feel because I felt that way too. I remember sweating and shaking uncontrollably. I used to be shy and nervous but after having spoken a few times I realised how effective I was. I started making money from speaking and it all went well after that. My best piece of advice is to learn from an expert and follow EXACTLY what he or she is teaching. There is a system to speaking effectively - follow that and you can't go worng.

5. Do you have a favourite quotation about life? Who is the best author in the world in your opinion?
The best quote I have heard, and one that I still use, came from my coach. She said "if you don't change you won't change" and it's true. To be better at anything requires you to rise to a challenge and become stronger because of it. Staying the same means you will always be in the position you are now in. As for the best author - it is a difficult choice but anyone that puts pen to paper and writes from their heart deserves recognition. That's what I teach my students. Focus, action and following a system are paramount in my opinion.

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