
FightJobs is a Denver (Colorado) based initative helps Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fans to find job in this industry. They have launched a new campaign for High School & College kids interested in working in the MMA industry. Applicants are encouraged to create a 60 seconds video, telling MMA companies why they should be hired. We made a short interview with the founders.


You have a very interesting slogan for, "Connecting Fight Fans". What has inspired you to think of creating an employment site for MMA fans to find jobs in the MMA industry?

My inspiration for creating FightJobs was created because I wanted to be a writer in the MMA industry, and had no way of finding one, and I knew that I couldn't be the only one that felt the same I created

The top 3 reasons that high school  college kids would love to work in the fight business are as follows:

A. With the incredible explosion of MMA and the wild popularity of the UFC, many kids now watch MMA and many of the kids that do not compete also have a strong passion for the sport.

B. Their passion is so deep for the sport that they want to get involved in the sport as a career. FightJobs allows them to find a career in the sport regardless if they want to compete or if they just want to work in the industry.

C. These kids all use social networks to communicate with each other & now they can all parlay their social networks combined with our social networks to reach the maximum targeted audience to get their message across.

If someone is interested to be hired as a ring girl, what will be the pre-requisite(s)?
They will need to create a profile (either a free or a featured) on FightJobs and provide any previous ring-girl experience + pictures and/or videos for promoters to view and pick from.

What are the job opportunities (by positions) available for someone with a Mixed Martial Arts background?
We have jobs that range from Sales & Marketing for MMA companies, training partners, social media managers, writers, bloggers, photographers, street teams, personal chefs, fighter managers, and anything & everything related to the fight industry. 

Based on your experience, what will be your advice that must be included in the self-created 60 seconds video resume for High School or College kid if they want to get hired in possible MMA companies?

1st 10 secs = Name, Location, Age, School
2nd 10 secs = Special skills & Interests
Last 40 secs = Pitch an MMA company on why they should hire you. What kind of value you will bring to an MMA company if you’re hired by one.

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