The Surf Lady

The Surf Lady has a mission to document the Pacific Trash Vortex also known as "Plastic Island". The Surf Lady is also known as Veronica Grey. Whether for her work as an Actress, Author, Surfer, Environmentalist, Holistic Health Care Practitioner, or Superartist, she inspires numerous world renowned artists in their work. We have made a short interview with her.

1. What you are doing is very interesting. When did you start surfing the Pacific? 
TheSurfLady: I was able to surf in the belly of my mama. So, as Kurt Cobain would say, "In Utero."

2. How did you discover your interest to support a cause like this about the Pacific Trash awareness? Besides photos, do you have an effective video to share with us about some of your action plans? 
TheSurfLady: There is a giant vortex of floating plastic garbage THE SIZE OF THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES in the Middle of the Pacific Ocean. This is verified and documented all over the Internet. We are SO FUCKED if we don't stop using plastic YESTERDAY. Forget wars, the economy, or even global warming - there is nothing more cataclysmic facing Earth right now. What a little ole surf lady can do about it??? This is my mission statement:

3. Which is your favourite film and the longest film you have created so far? How long did it take to complete them from the start to the finish?
TheSurfLady: My favorite film is "Sid and Nancy." Directed by Alex Cox, it depicts the life of a walking dead rock star and his lover. It probably is one of the reasons I became a modern day muse As far as my longest film finished, it is "15 Minutes of Flame" about Burning Man. It took me a month to make it, but a bazillion days to promote it. Remember that folks - it's never about the project, it's about the publicity. If a tree falls in the forest and no one publicizes it, it didn't make a sound.

4. What is the most challenging about the work you do?
TheSurfLady: The most challenging work I am doing is cleaning up the Pacific Ocean Trash Vortex. If you like the ocean and dislike garbage, check this out The main project is titled "Aqua Seafoam Shame." Nirvana would love it. Who wouldn't love a hot piece of A.S.S. get it ha ha

5. What is your favourite quotation about green peace?
 TheSurfLady: The best quote about GreenPeace is not as clever as anything about green peas. Like two in a pod - which reminds me, Happy Valentine's Day to all who see this!!!

And if you aren't stoked on 2/14, please check out my favorite 12 step recovery program:
CoDA for CoDependents Anonymous. It saved my life, and the life of the fugitive I have chained to my basement.

Who needs marriage when you have bondage???

Thank you that is all. Kindly send me the link and if you wanna follow me on Twitter @TheSurfLady and tweet it to me that would be cool.

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