Interview with Kurt Lee Hurley

Kurt Lee Hurley is a Celebrity Fitness Trainer, CEO/Owner of Hollywood Fitness Studios, ION Fitness Center and Synergy Fitness Systems. We made a short interview with him.


As a Celebrity Fitness Trainer and the CEO/Owner of Hollywood Fitness Studios and ION Fitness Center, do you consider conducting One-on-One personal training for a celebrity any different than for people in the public sector?

Absolutely. However, I opened Hollywood Fitness Studios in Provo, Utah specifically to give the same sort of fancy, fine-tuned experience an A-list celebrity would experience in Hollywood. HFS provides anonymity, privacy, personal attention, excellent customer service, education, empowerment and more importantly, the best fitness training, nutrition, motivation and accountability, in addition to the utmost respect and reverence for our clients and customers, all at affordable prices. Celebrities demand these base-line amenities, so should the general public. 100,000 square feet of state-of-the-art equipment will provide you with absolutely nothing. Without having the expertise, knowledge, practices and disciplines necessary to attain a goal. It is an improbability that anyone can or will ever achieve total body transformation for $30 bucks a month. So, for a little more, you not only get the celebrity treatment, you get all the necessary tools to achieve all your fitness goals as well.

How do you begin the consultation/training process for a celebrity who needs Pre or Post Pregnancy training?

Haha… Great question. The peculiar thing is people are people. Fundamentally we are all the same. Which simply means this, be it a rock star, all-star, movie star or average-ordinary- everyday life star, hormones are hormones. The balance or imbalance as it were, must always be addressed first. One cannot change what they first do not understand. So, a full assessment and analysis must take place and then a program is then designed based on the feedback of that analysis and assessment process.

What is the time frame to achieve a desired goal or goals?

Goal achievement is truly based on the individual and the allotted time, as well as the criterion for achieving said goal. A full body transformation can be achieved in 12 weeks, however if lifestyle change is the real goal and not getting in shape for a movie role, then the true goal should always be understanding that your health, wellbeing and vitality is about the journey and not the destination. I have had clients remain with me for in-excess of 10 years. Not because they’ve become disempowered, but because they’ve become empowered. Accountability, purpose and understanding that your health is the single most precious commodity you possess is paramount. Show me an individual that has all the answers about their own health and I will show you a fool.

For the on-site nutritionist, what do you mean by 'all natural supplementation'?

In a word, raw…or organic. Interestingly enough, each day science is discovering “new” nutrients that nature has ironically always provided us through food. A few of these nutrients have been isolated and or synthesized in laboratories and conventional supplements contain them in extremely high doses. However, no one has ever been able to replicate the perfect way nature provides the body with what it needs to sustain a healthy and thriving life...

…until NOW!

Both my formulators, as well as myself understand that nature and only nature holds the keys to maintaining one’s singular health. Our goal is to combine an ideal blend of all the natural super-foods and minerals in the right balance and at natural dosage levels to help the human body to thrive.

These raw organic fruits and vegetables are freeze dried — a process that dehydrates the food without damaging its nutrients. Conventional whole-food supplements often use heat or chemicals to dehydrate their food, which destroys many vital nutrients including vitamin C. By freeze drying the food we are able to maintain most of the nutrients that naturally occur in raw food. Take a look see for yourself at:

We must all make a choice and take a stand. Food of God or food of Man?

Is what you do as much about addressing the emotional, mental and spiritual needs of an individual? Which is what is at the core of your mind-body-success training.

Yes, a sound mind can and will lead to a sound body. I have spent the bulk of my life studying and placing into application both eastern and western practices. Although you won’t find me looking too much like a Guru in any, way, shape or form anytime soon, my sincerest intention is to provide that “wholeness” approach to my practice. Without addressing the heart of the matter, one rarely understands how to go about fixing what is broke. In order to solve any problem, the solution must first always be sought. Focus on problem, attract more problem. Focus on solution, attract solution. Sorry, that was me doing a poor imitation of the wise, Confucius.

What advice would you give to someone who might be considering engaging your services? What kind of preparation(s), if any?

Do the research. Know who and what you are getting involved with. Incidentally, Personal training is now considered a commonplace professional service, especially amongst the affluent, the busy, time-crunched 30 and 40ish population and the post-55 segment. Conversely speaking though, personal trainers are viewed from two entirely different perspectives. People either love them, or they hate them. The vast differences from one trainer to the next are only growing leaps and bounds from one day to the next. The practices, the etiquette, the skill-set, the aptitude, the education, the application, the people skills and the many other facets of a trainer are hardly recognizable at first glance, but when scrutinized more deeply, the differences become painfully obvious.

A fitness professional, or professional fitness trainer is one that easily and effortlessly manages the distinctions of many personality types. They are both interested and interesting. They are engaged and engaging. They possess a certain ability to communicate complex physiological and physical terminology to whomever they are speaking to. They are friendly and they are personable. They are not meatheads, nor are they out of shape. They are not only invested into making a living, they are invested into making a difference. They are not self-absorbed, self centered egomaniacs. They are there for you and your needs, not the opposite. They place value on their craft and so they have placed themselves under scrutiny. They are easily located and not hiding under a rock. Their age is a factor, but only because trust is the name of the game and people typically do not entrust children with something as fragile and vital as their health and well being.

Some questions to ask about your personal trainer:

1. Are they recognized experts in their field?
2. Do they own and operate their business or do they work for a club?
3. Do they have a website or websites that communicate their message?
4. Are they respected in their community?
5. Do they possess similar qualities as a medical or health care professional?
6. Have they appeared in the health or fitness media?
7. Have they authored a book, articles, or been published in industry specific periodicals?
8. Do they train part time, or full time?
9. Do they charge professional fees for professional services?
10. Are they busy practicing their craft, or are they too busy playing their X-box, Playstation or Wii?

You wouldn’t allow an auto mechanic to perform brain surgery on your child, nor would you hire, or employ the services of a child to maintain, manage, or multiply your financial health and well being…now would you?

So, why hire a personal trainer that doesn’t know his head from a hole in the ground?

In Peace & Prosperity,

Kurt Lee Hurley


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